(CSR) ​


Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Plan is based on a number of pillars: sustainable development, environmental conservation, commitment to our environment and social causes, and the development of our human resources.

In line with our values and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations , our CSR Plan includes six Programmes in which we include and organize the actions we carry out:


In line with SDGs 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, the MARNYS PLANET Programme includes actions aimed at protecting the environment, the climate and land, and underwater ecosystems, clean energy, sustainable production and consumptio , and reducing and offsetting polluting emissions.

We want to contribute with our activity to preserve the environment , to continue being a clean company, without polluting emissions, reducing and properly managing the waste we generate, complying with environmental legislation, and being pioneers in initiatives in defense of the natural environment . We want that future generation to find a society more aware of the conservation of the planet, and, consequently, a more natural and sustainable environment.


In line with SDGs 1, 2, 4, 10, 11, and 16 , the MARNYS COMMUNITY Programme includes the following activities aimed at stakeholder dialogue, promoting equal opportunities and social and labor integration, supporting the most disadvantaged groups , alliances for peace, education and personal safety.

We want the society in which we live, and especially our local community, to feel the sense of community and family that Martínez Nieto S.A. represents. We want to be an example of dialogue with stakeholders, promotion of equal opportunities, solidarity, and integration of the most disadvantaged groups.


In line with SDG 3, the MARNYS HEALTHY Programme includes actions aimed at promoting and protecting the health and well-being of people and the environment in which they live and work.

We want our commitment to health and well-being to be reflected in all our actions toward society. We want to encourage the benefits of a healthy life through good health habits, nutrition, and sport from early ages and in all stages of life.


In line with SDGs 4, 5, 8, and 10, the MARNYS TALENT Programme includes actions aimed at education and professional and personal development.

We want to be a benchmark in offering the best training and employment opportunities , attracting talent, and keeping it, not retaining it. We work with professional training programs and universities to encourage the knowledge and training of talent. We also want to work for the employment training of disadvantaged groups, set up agreements with entities for professional training, or promote female, junior and senior talent , as well as local talent .


In line with SDGs 9 and 12 , the MARNYS QUALITY Programme includes actions aimed at ensuring and enhancing the quality of our products and manufacturing processes, continuous improvement plans, research, development, and innovation, and coordinated actions to ensure the satisfaction of customers, consumers, and suppliers.

Quality, research, and innovation are key elements of our company. We want to keep and improve our quality standards, to provide our customers with safe, effective, and healthy products.


In line with SDGs 8, 9, 16, and 17 , the MARNYS ECOFIN Programme includes actions aimed at economic and financial sustainability , promoting economic and social development, and good corporate governance.

We want to keep being an example of the family business and good corporate governance, as well as contributing to the economic and social development of our community and the people who are part of it.